Monday, March 28, 2011

Pick a spot.... any spot!

Okay, so you have decided to grow a vegetable garden!
So do you just pick a place and start ripping out the grass??? ......NO!!!
First you need to call  and have someone come draw out all the lines in your yard! Safety first!! Do not and I repeat DO NOT DIG in till you have where electricity, water, cable and gas lines are! Oh and sewer! You do not want to break a sewer line, I can only imagine breaking a sewer line and getting poop all over the place and including on YOU! Anyways as I was saying, I want you to live and be able to enjoy your garden!!!

Okay, now you have your lines marked and you spot a couple of places that you can stick a garden. Things you need to make sure of the spot is....
1. Will the spot get enough sun? We all know sun is very important!

2.If it rains will my vegetables be alright? You want to make sure it will have drainage so you dont flood out your vegetables but you dont want it to slop either because then its not getting as much water as it needs to have! (okay this is my own opinions not necessarily true) 

3. Hows my dirt? now you can get dirt samples and have them tested or go and buy a home test kit or do like I do! I till my spot and see how the dirt does.....I grab a hand full of dirt and see how it is! I like my dirt......sounds like a drink "I like my martini shaken not stirred!" I like my dirt to be loose. If your dirt is to hard your plants will have a ruff time growing. if you have hard dirt you can add sand and till in till it is all mixed in. (yet again this is my thinking)
I will be adding some topsoil to my spot. you can always do that! If you want you can always till in potting soil  too!

Now if you want to keep it organic do some research on it!  I am kind of organic! your thinking " how can someone be sort of organic....well I bought some organic seeds and some not. I buy organic stuff to use on the garden (more on that at in a later post) I dont want to use stuff that isnt good for my plants to kill bugs and ect.
I am going to build a compost bin (another post later on) and I will be trying to do the lasagna gardening next year.
Now i have not finished reading the two little books I got from my hardware store
one is starting an organic garden  and the other is Gardening 101
Now I am a more hands on type of we shall see if i can remember to use what they say...
They are by Burpee so look for them at your local hardware store!
Now for pictures!!!

City Boy Tilling my garden spot for me.....what a sweet heart!

Now I tilled a little bit! City Boy doesn't want me to touch his tiller again! Yes I did break it but I found the part so all is well again!

City Boy Tilling for me! I love watching my man work!

All most done!
There is my garden spot for 2011!

                     We found a lot of stuff in my garden spot! This belonged to a swing set!
We also found glass and a lot of weird stuff in there too!

Oh and Big rocks!!

We have tilled twice so far. We will do it one more time when we add our top soil....Then I am ready for planting!!! I can not wait!

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