Monday, April 18, 2011

Growing Crazy!!

Oh boy! I did it now!!!
Well We got our strawberries and bell peppers planted yesterday. This morning I got up right after City Boy left for work and pulled some weeds and took some pictures.  I am done planting my garden this year!!
Other than pulling weeds, harvesting and watering it all, I am done!
I covered my strawberries with bird netting so maybe I will get some this year! (I hope).
I went to my parents house today to tilling their garden spot, my father had knee surgery about a week ago and had already bought stuff for the garden but didn't get them in the ground in from 9 am to 5:45pm we spent outside tilling  the ground.....We did stop from 12 to 3:30 to do some other stuff and eat lunch.
I found huge rocks in the spot, a Realtor for sale sign, glass, garage door parts and a lot of other stuff!
I am tired and sore lol!
Heres a funny for the day!
My father rode mini city girl and I in his little trailer being pulled by his lawn mower, Mini City Girl was having so much fun in till he dumped us out of it. he turned to quickly and I couldn't lean quickly to balance out the trailer so over we went! ....My whole side hurts! My elbow and thigh really hurts! Mini City Girl was just fine! She landed on me!! How come there was not something soft for me to land on?

ok picture time!!!

oh and my fathers tiller's cord broke and he fixed it but it did not want to till so we had to borrow country bumpkin cousin's tiller!

tomatoes and jalapeƱos 

strawberries and bell peppers and a discounted blackberry bush



Strawberries! (I have netting over them)

Bell peppers



Peas and snow peas




bird netting for the strawberries

Garden spot!

hidden in the yard!

sign we found!

tiller that broke (is now fixed...well sort of"

Having fun!


Mini city girl waving at everybody!

Walking back up after being tipped out of the trailer!

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